Banwari lal

Bone & Horn Artist

Banwari Lal

He is a 46-year-old Indian artisan who has honed the skill of Bone and Horn carving since he was 12 and now runs his own independent business that mainly involves furniture products. While six workers are permanently employed under him, over the span of the year, he engages with up to 20–25 artisans as per the seasonal demand.

Exhibitions Encourage Artists and their Artwork

In 2014, Banwari Lal discovered the power of exhibitions to promote his business. Setting up shop at an industrial fair, he received a positive response from exporters. His fond memories include a visit to New Delhi's famous Dilli Haat Market in 2016, where he received significant attention during his 15-day display. Although COVID-19 temporarily halted physical showcasing, Banwari Lal remains optimistic about the resumption of exhibitions.

Seven Drawers Bed Si
Dumro Stool Blue
Bone Stool

Dye Bone Serving Tra

Square Dye-Bone Box

Triangular Design Ca

Mirror Frame

Two Drawer Bed Side

Table Lamp Stand

Table Coaster

Lazy Susan Table Top

Dye Bone Rectangular